Introducing the New Version of the Orion App

Latest Design of Mobile and Tablet App Helps Enterprises Transform Their Deskless Workforces

We’re passionate about helping enterprises rethink collaboration for frontline operating teams. Our award-winning, first-of-its-kind mobile app and new tablet-optimized app starts this journey by enabling enterprises to harness the power of deskless collaboration seamlessly at the point of work.

Today, we’re excited to share the next version of our mobile and tablet push-to-talk (PTT) app.

Orion app displayed on multiple smartphones and tablets, plus the Orion Onyx push-to-talk wearable

This new user experience retains and builds on Orion’s renowned commitment to an intuitive user experience. Frontline operations teams will now see a bold new visual and functional design when they access Orion on their mobile or tablet devices. We also reimagined and improved our core messaging experience and introduced greater functionality for groups.

Simplified Views: A Bold New Mobile Design

The new version of the Orion app was born out of our resolve to prioritize the information users need when they’re on the go. Now, the navigation provides access to the exact information users need fast in this sleek, simple design.

How? A new tab bar.

This tab bar now organizes the most important information onto four separate screens: Log, Team, Map, and Settings. The Team view also makes it easier to see which team members are online and active.

Orion’s industry-leading, high-quality audio PTT is now easier to use than ever. The new design means users can access the PTT button from any screen, including the Message Log. Now, users have access to Orion’s instant voice functionality and innovative features like process automation, intelligence amplification, and analytics without switching screens.

We love this new user experience and know you and your deskless workforce will too.

Single-Screen Views: Now Optimized for Tablets

We’re excited to also offer this new version with app optimization for tablets.

The new tablet-optimized app provides an even better view of the message log, which users are active, and where their team members are located — all on a single screen. And, like mobile phone users, tablet users can easily access the PTT button from any screen.

“Many of our customers depend on tablet devices to provide their fleet and mobile workers with large, easy-to-read maps,” said Ellen Juhlin, Orion Head of Product. “We paid special attention to our customer’s most important use cases and enhanced the tablet interface to suit the needs of teams doing these critical deskless jobs.”

Messaging: A Unified Experience

Orion’s Message Log captures each voice, text, file, video, and picture message and allows for flexible communications suited to any situation. Now, the Message Log is the first screen users will see.

This move makes the Message Log more accessible, enabling message replay without needing to navigate to another screen.

“The new look makes the app even more functional. Instead of flipping to another screen to initiate your message, the PTT button is at the forefront on every screen.”
– Michael Keith, Belle Haven Country Club

Administrator Controls: Greater Security and Flexibility for Enterprises

This new modular interface gives administrators increased flexibility on how to make Orion work for their teams. Now, operations managers more easily control and configure the information their deskless workforce have access to. This flexible configuration reduces complexity and increases focus for employees by only providing the information they need.

For example, managers with employees can hide the Map, Member List, or both for workers who only communicate 1:1 with the Orion Command Center instead of a team or group. Alternatively, management can provide access to the Map, Member List, and Message Log to enable real-time context, situational awareness, and operational control to workers like dispatchers. Organizations are assured each worker segment only accesses the information relevant to their role.

We know every enterprise operates uniquely. This new version prioritizes the flexible and secure permissions enterprises need to make Orion work for their frontline operations.

The Orion Collaboration Platform

We’re extremely pleased to make available the next evolution of the Orion platform. As always, we continue to work with our customers and incorporate new innovations that make each version of Orion even better than the last.

Learn more about the Orion Push-to-Talk App or contact us for a demonstration.